Have you got what it takes to become a Frugaleur?
We've all heard of entrepreneurs. Then there was the emergence of mumpreneurs, dadpreneurs and any other type of 'preneurs' you would care to name. But at the end of the day, they are just people with vision and a will to succeed.
In our current economic climate, it isn't always easy to see beyond the overdraft, the mortgage, escalating costs of living, the next debt payment or, even, to the next pay day.
But some people carry on regardless, in search of personal success. These people have no obvious source of funding, no angel investors and no backing from any financial institution. That could be because they are a new breed of entrepreneur; they are followers of a frugal working and living ethos, debt free and proud of it!
But some people carry on regardless, in search of personal success. These people have no obvious source of funding, no angel investors and no backing from any financial institution. That could be because they are a new breed of entrepreneur; they are followers of a frugal working and living ethos, debt free and proud of it!
It is NOT impossible to earn enough Cyberdosh (Cyber = virtual, dosh = cash) to generate yourself a healthy income and build a business, but the big difference between the successes and failures is readily available cash!
Most people need it to start up, advertise, generate business, achieve targets and grow to become successful enterprises.
So what is a 'frugal entrepreneur'?
It's someone who is starting out with very little, in some cases nothing, and pursuing their dream or creating their own frugal empire.
Never give up the dream - you could be self sufficient in earning your own bread, even if you're rubbish at baking it!
Frugal Entrepreneurs (Frugaleurs) are driven not by the need to make money, but by the need to realise dreams.
(Shamelessly adapted from a definition found on http://www.entrepreneur.com/)
My definition of a 'frugal entrepreneur' is someone who tries to make as much out of life as possible without relying on others.
The ultimate goal is to live a rich and fulfilling life without having financial worries.
The ultimate goal is to live a rich and fulfilling life without having financial worries.
- Business entrepreneurs judge their successes on how much profit they make.
- Social entrepreneurs judge their successes on how much social change they can achieve.
- Frugal entrepreneurs judge their successes on freedom from debt and fulfilment of a lifestyle dream. If it happens to lead to a fortune in the bank, then so be it. It's simply a by-product of a frugal lifestyle of making do, mending, bartering, recycling, reducing, reusing, sharing and helping others reach their goals. You can always give the cash away if you don't want it.
As a frugal entrepreneur, I've pursued many, many different projects - some work, some don't, none have earned my fortune, yet. But I think the secret has to be living well below your means, regardless of how little or how much that may be, while making what's left work hard for you, preferably with as little risk as possible to your capital.
What is absolutely risk free, provides an adequate income and guarantees that your capital increases to beat inflation year on year ad infinitum? The banks and building societies certainly can't guarantee this, nor can premium bonds, so my guess is that many people could soon be pulling a great deal of money out of many financial institutions in favour of investing elsewhere. The big question is, WHERE?
You can discuss all aspects of frugal entrepreneurialism here.
Dictionary Definitions
Frugal - http://www.thefreedictionary.com/frugal
Entrepreneur - http://www.thefreedictionary.com/entrepreneur
Mumpreneur - http://mumsgotabusiness.com/what-is-a-mumpreneur/
Frugaleur - A frugal entrepreneur is in the business of making frugalism pay for good living.
NYK Media
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